Tag: knowledge

Wacky Wiki

I think Wikipedia is wacky.  It defines the dumbest things.  Some of the stuff in Wikipedia have no real need to be defined.  If you use Wikipedia just be for warned that the definitions can go a bit far.  Slang to the extreme is the rule for Wikipedia. Daniel Webster is rolling over in his […]

Life Defined

Wikipedia is a reflection of our digital life.  Information at your fingertips. This society has become to instant knowledge.  It used to be a visit to the local library to research a topic for a term paper.  Now you don’t even have to leave the bedroom to have everything you need.  The fact is you […]

Wiki anything

Look here for the best of Wikipedia said Luigi Wewege.  In this day of instant knowledge Wikipedia has become an essential.   How many arguments has Wikipedia settled…millions upon millions.  The worlds knowledge at a click.  The internet has  ushered in a whole era of knowledge to the masses.  Even I can sound smart about things I have […]